International Speakers


Articles indexed by scopus


Years of experience


Awards for best participants

The 15 th International Nursing Conference 2024.

Discover the latest cutting-edge scientific advances in the field of nursing and health sciences by joining us on the International Nursing Conference (INC) 2024 with offline platform from 22 - 23 June 2024. The INC is an annual scientific meeting organized by the Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia, since 2010.

This scientific meeting offers a fascinating forum for researchers, academicians, students, and professionals across the world from various health science fields to interact and disseminate their research on the latest issues.

Publication Opportunities:

  • Scopus Indexed Journals.
  • National Accredited Journals, indexed by SINTA 2 & DOAJ (e.g. Jurnal Ners), *term and conditions applied.

The 15 th International Nursing Conference

INC 2024

Call for papers

Welcome to The 15th International Nursing Conference Faculty of Nursing Universitas Airlangga Surabaya Indonesia, an interdisciplinary conference held, from at 22 - 23 June 2024.


Guidelines : Please follow these essential guidelines when preparing your paper :

Previous Conferences

Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Airlangga has been organising annual scientific conferences since 2010. The first conference was held in Surabaya, Indonesia in April 2010. Nurses from academic to clinical around the world met in Surabaya to attend the International Nursing Conference.

The conference provides the following topics to be choosen for those who will submit the paper:

  • Innovation in clinical nursing
  • Innovation in community nursing
  • Innovation in nursing education
  • Innovation in nursing management and leadership
  • Innovation in research practice
  • Nursing disaster management
  • Non communicable diseases
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Mother and children health
  • Tropical diseases
  • Policy and public health

Further details please download the workflow following the link provided. Download

Speakers at The 15 th International Nursing Conference (INC 2024)

will provide a variety of perspectives from different academic and professional backgrounds. This page provides details of featured presentations, the conference schedule and other programming.

For more information about presenters, please visit the Speakers page.

The 15 th International Nursing Conference 2024 provides options for participants in order to join this pretigious conference.

We differentiate conference participants according to their interests. There are four categories, namely general participants, undergraduate students, and participants from abroad.

We also provide options for each category as a presenter or poster presentation.

The last category is non-presenters, where participants will only attend the conference without making presentations, either articles or posters.

Each option has a different cost. The following table inform you about the fee detail that must be paid according to the participant's categories.

Guidelines to select the registration fee:

  • For participants who only join the conference without deliver a presentation, please register as an attendee (non-presenter).
  • For oral and poster presenters from Indonesia, please register as general participants.
  • International participants both poster and oral presenters can choose Overseas participants to join the conference.

Join us at The 15 th International Nursing Conference via Live-Stream

The covid pandemic demands that we adapt in our daily activities. Included in learning and conferences where it is not possible to meet in person. the alternative used is online meetings.

INC 2024 is now offering the option to present offline. This is an exciting new opportunity for scholars around the world to engage with an international audience without the need to travel.

Every cloud has a silver lining. Live-stream presentations give speakers the opportunity to avoid expenses and time required to travel, reduce their carbon footprint, and share ideas online. Additionally, online presenting will not diminish the essence of knowledge exchange because presenters can still presenting one's work to an international audience and engaging in Q&A, publishing in the Conference Proceedings, and participating in discussions with other scholars around the world.

There are two types of virtual presentations available.

  • Live Video Presentation via ZOOM
  • Power Point Virtual Presentation

Please register before due date

Registration fee does not include publication fee.


IDR 1.500.000 / USD 150


IDR 2.000.000 / USD 150

You may transfer registration fees to Account Number: Bank Mandiri 142-00-1466995-5 Ah Yusuf S S.K.P.M.Kes.

and please upload your payment receipt on your dashboard.



Dr. Christopher Wagstaff

University of Birmingham, United of Kingdom Scopus ID

Prof. Dr. Chong Mei Chan

University of Malaya, Malaysia Scopus ID

Assoc. Prof. Gulzar Malik

La Trobe University, Australia* Scopus ID

Prof. Azza Hasan Mohammad Hussein

Alexandria University, Egypt Scopus ID

Lori Sato, PhD, RN, PHN

The University of Tokyo, Japan Scopus ID

Asst. Prof. Uraiwan Chaichanawirote

Naresuan University, Thailand Scopus ID

Asst. Prof. Rohani Jeharsae

Prince of Songkla University, Thailand Scopus ID

Dr. Ken Hok Man Ho

La Trobe University, Australia Scopus ID

Dr. Purwaningsih, S.Kp., M.Kes.

Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia Scopus ID

Rista Fauziningtyas, S.Kep.Ns., M.Kep., Ph.D.

Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia Scopus ID

Ira Suarilah, Ph.D

Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia Scopus ID

Dr. Kristiawati

Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia Scopus ID

Herdina Mariyanti, Ph.D

Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia Scopus ID

The 15 th International Nursing Conference


The 15 th International Nursing Conference



Frequently Asked Questions:

In order to join the INC 2024, first you need to sign up to make an account. Please kindly check the following link to make an account http://event.ners.unair.ac.id/auth/signup.

Untuk bergabung dengan INC 2024, Anda harus terlebih dahulu mendaftar untuk membuat akun. Silakan periksa tautan berikut untuk membuat akun http://event.ners.unair.ac.id/auth/signup.

You will receive a confirmation email right after you finish to make account. Click on the link in the email within 24 hour to automatically activate your account. Please also check your SPAM, if you can not find the verification email in INBOX.

Anda akan menerima email konfirmasi segera setelah Anda selesai membuat akun. Klik link di email dalam waktu kurang dari 24 jam untuk mengaktifkan akun Anda secara otomatis. Silakan cek SPAM jika Anda tidak dapat menemukan EMAIL verifikasi pada inbox

If you are not receive the confirmation email, it is probably you write the wrong email or there must be some mistyping in email address.

Jika Anda tidak menerima email konfirmasi, kemungkinan Anda menulis email yang salah atau pasti ada alamat email yang salah ketik.

If the link doesn’t work, then you must be late to activate it or you click the link after 24 hour. Please kindly chat the administrator in “Contact Us” and tell us your problem.

Jika tautan tidak berfungsi, Anda berarti terlambat untuk mengaktifkannya atau Anda mengeklik tautan tersebut setelah 24 jam. Silakan hubungi administrator di menu "Contact Us" dan beri tahu kami masalah Anda.

Please kindly try to login to your account using registered username and password to make sure the activation succeed.

Silakan coba masuk ke akun Anda menggunakan username dan password yang telah terdaftar untuk memastikan aktivasi berhasil.

After you succeed make an account, you will be able to submit the manuscript. Just login to your account and click on new submission.

Setelah Anda berhasil membuat akun, Anda akan dapat mengirimkan naskah. Cukup masuk ke akun Anda dan klik “new submission”.

You can submit more than one manuscript. Just login to your account and create submission.

Anda dapat mengirimkan lebih dari satu manuskrip. Cukup masuk ke akun Anda dan buat pengiriman manuskrip baru.

Yes you do. It is necessary to state who will be the presenter, corresponding author etc. There will be a column to state that in manuscript metadata.

Ya, Perlu disebutkan siapa yang akan menjadi presenter, corresponding author, dll. Akan ada kolom untuk menyatakan hal tersebut dalam metadata manuskrip.

Your registration fee must be paid in full latest by the deadline stated on the website, in the Important Dates section.

Biaya pendaftaran harus dibayarkan selambat-lambatnya pada batas waktu yang tertera di situs web, pada bagian “Important Date Section”.

Login to your account and select "invoice" menu to download the invoice

Masuk ke akun Anda, kemudian pilih menu "invoice" untuk mendownload file invoice

It is an option to make the html format on your text include in when you paste the text. We are suggest to choose “KEEP”.

Ini adalah opsi untuk membuat format html pada teks Anda disertakan saat Anda melakukan paste pada teks. Kami menyarankan untuk memilih “KEEP”.

Please make sure you choose “CLEAN” when paste the text in website column. Also, please delete any symbols in column. Symbols only allowed in abstract word file.

Pastikan Anda memilih “CLEAN” saat melakukan paste teks di kolom website. Selain itu, hapus simbol apa pun pada kolom saat melakukan paste. Simbol hanya diperbolehkan dalam file word abstrak.

The review process usually take one weeks, and the author have one week to submit the revision.

Proses review biasanya memakan waktu satu minggu, dan penulis memiliki waktu satu minggu untuk mengirimkan revisinya.

CATATAN: Bagi peserta dari Mahasiswa Magister dan Doktor Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Airlangga mohon untuk mendaftar walaupun bukan sebagai presenter oral maupun poster. Semua mahasiswa harus terdaftar sebagai peserta.


Contact Us

Faculty of Nursing Universitas Airlangga

Campus C Mulyorejo - Surabaya

East Java 60115, Indonesia

Call Us

Iqlima Dwi K. (+62 8573 1676 686)

Andri Setiya W. (+62 8193 9395 449)